Chronic Pain: the Pain Memory

In Europe, about two-thirds of the population suffer from pain at least once a week. Particularly affected: Patients with chronic, i.e. permanent, pain. Here, pain is considered and treated as a disease in its own right instead of a symptom of a disease. A major role was played in several symposia by the realization in … Chronic Pain: the Pain Memory

Chronic Pain: the Body’s Own Painkillers and Placebos

Researchers like Prof. Zieglgänsberger are investigating whether pain memory can also be erased. The body should learn to forget. The body’s own systems are a key to this, such as “endocannabinoids,” which are marijuana-like substances produced by the brain. Researchers are working intensively on how to promote these processes. Researchers abroad are also working on … Chronic Pain: the Body’s Own Painkillers and Placebos

Chronic Pain: Pain Management

The classical pain therapy still works with medication. Before successful therapy, an accurate diagnosis must be made. The patient must be thoroughly examined, but most importantly, the pain must be attributed to the original trigger – this may go back years. The doctor determines whether the pain has a physical cause, for example a tumor, … Chronic Pain: Pain Management

Chronic Pain: Pain Perception

In the context of pain memory, the research of Mannheim scientists led by PD Dr. Dieter Kleinböhl and Prof. Dr. Rupert Hölzl is significant: in one experiment, the pain sensitivity of healthy study participants could be significantly increased without them being aware of it. Conversely, sensitivity could be lowered in the same way, depending on … Chronic Pain: Pain Perception