Pain when tattooing the thigh | Pain with a tattoo on different parts of the body

Pain when tattooing the thigh The stinging of a tattoo on the thigh is felt by the individual as differently painful. In this context, especially the muscular structure and the exact location of the tattoo on the thigh plays a decisive role. Especially women decide more and more often to get a tattoo on the … Pain when tattooing the thigh | Pain with a tattoo on different parts of the body

Pain when tattooing the forearm | Pain with a tattoo on different parts of the body

Pain when tattooing the forearm A tattoo on the forearm, just like a tattoo on other parts of the body, causes pain during the stinging. People who think about a tattoo on the forearm should note that the pain during the stinging can be different depending on the exact location. In general, it can be … Pain when tattooing the forearm | Pain with a tattoo on different parts of the body