Symptoms of torn muscle fibers between the ribs | Torn muscle fiber between the ribs

Symptoms of torn muscle fibers between the ribs The diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient survey and the triggering event. The patient states since when he has had pain in the area of the ribs, whether he has had an accident before, or whether he has had a cold with a cough. … Symptoms of torn muscle fibers between the ribs | Torn muscle fiber between the ribs

Therapy of torn muscle fibers between the ribs | Torn muscle fiber between the ribs

Therapy of torn muscle fibers between the ribs If one or more muscle fiber tears have been diagnosed in the area of the ribcage and between the ribs, treatment should be started quickly, depending on the extent of the symptoms. As a rule, treatment is conservative, i.e. not surgical. The most important measure in the … Therapy of torn muscle fibers between the ribs | Torn muscle fiber between the ribs

Femoralis Catheter

Definition A femoralis catheter is an access to the femoral nerve through which painkillers can be administered (also continuously). These analgesics are directed into the direct vicinity of the nerve and prevent the transmission of pain perception here. It is a method of short- or long-term pain therapy. Other names for the femoralis catheter are … Femoralis Catheter

Pain therapy for the back

What is pain therapy for the back? Almost every German suffers from back pain at least once in his life. However, most species are harmless and disappear by themselves. With some diseases, such as herniated discs or arthroses, the pain can become chronic. To prevent this, early pain therapy is recommended. There are various procedures … Pain therapy for the back

Differences between outpatient and inpatient | Pain therapy for the back

Differences between outpatient and inpatient Whether an inpatient treatment is necessary depends on the pain symptoms and the intended treatment. Patients who are unable to cope with their everyday life due to their pain can be admitted as inpatients. In addition, there are some treatment strategies that make an inpatient admission necessary. Epidural anaesthesia is … Differences between outpatient and inpatient | Pain therapy for the back

Treatment of chronic back pain | Back pain – What can you do?

Treatment of chronic back pain If no causal treatment (e.g. surgery) is possible, the primary goal of the therapy is pain relief. Here, procedures from various disciplines can be tried out in order to find the most effective concept for the individual. A combination of different forms of therapy can also be useful. In addition … Treatment of chronic back pain | Back pain – What can you do?

What home remedies are available for back pain? | Back pain – What can you do?

What home remedies are available for back pain? Back pain can also be effectively relieved by home remedies without having to resort directly to painkillers. This includes warm baths, targeted massages and also herbal oils. The massages can help to relax cramped muscles. Herbal oils, especially lavender and peppermint oil, also serve to relax the … What home remedies are available for back pain? | Back pain – What can you do?

Headaches: the Most Common 7 Misconceptions

Headaches are a widespread disease. More than 70 percent of all Germans suffer from it at least some of the time. Nevertheless, most people are insufficiently informed and numerous prejudices persist. We present the seven most common misconceptions about headaches. Misconception 1: “You’re just too sensitive.” People who miss work because of headaches are quickly … Headaches: the Most Common 7 Misconceptions