
Composition Ephedrinum hemihydricum 4.5 mg Aurantii floris aetheroleum 2.3 mg Eucalypti aetheroleum 1.8 mg Paraffinum liquidum Excip. ad solut. nas. per 1 g Indications Rhinitis and allergic rhinitis Alternatives Alternatively, other nasal oils or decongestant nasal sprays can be used. The drops can be made in a well-equipped pharmacy. Note Nasal oils containing kerosene oil … Kemeol

PED (Paraffin-Emodela Duphalac)

Production PED: Paraffinum liquidum 1/3 Emodella substitute 1/3 Duphalac or Rudolac 1/3 Since Emodella is out of trade, a substitute solution is made with a rotten tree bark extract: Emodella substitute: Frangulae extractum liquidum (Hanseler). 64.8 Glycerol 85 % PhEur 90.0 Ethanolum 96 % non potabile PhEur 83.4 Natrii benzoas pulvis 0.9 Aqua purificata PhEur … PED (Paraffin-Emodela Duphalac)

Kerosene as a Laxative

Products Kerosene is commercially available as an emulsion (Paragol N) and gel (Lansoyl). Paragar is no longer sold. In pharmacies or drugstores, the kerosene oil emulsion PH can be produced or thick kerosene PhEur can be dispensed as open goods. The corresponding manufacturing specification for kerosene oil emulsion can be found in Pharmacopoea Helvetica. Structure … Kerosene as a Laxative


Products Pure kerosenes are available in pharmacopoeia quality in pharmacies and drugstores. They are also found in creams, ointments, pastes, body lotions, baths, eye drops, cosmetics, gauzes and emulsions for ingestion, among other products. Kerosenes are also known as mineral oils and have been used medicinally since the 19th century. Structure and properties The pharmacopoeia … Kerosenes