Therapy | Leg asleep – how come?

Therapy The therapy of a leg that has fallen asleep depends on the underlying cause that is responsible for the symptoms. In most cases, moving the leg and the associated relief of the affected nerve is sufficient so that the leg “wakes up” and the symptoms disappear. However, if this measure does not lead to … Therapy | Leg asleep – how come?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Synonyms Charcot’s disease; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; myatrophic lateral sclerosis; Lou Gehrig’s syndrome; motor neuron disease; abb. ALS Definition Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a progressive, degenerative disease of the nerve cells that control the muscles (motor neurons), which can lead to spastic as well as flaccid paralysis in the entire body. Due to the breathing and … Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

Introduction In up to ninety percent of all patients with a herniated disc, purely conservative treatment is sufficient. In some patients the symptoms disappear completely after a few weeks. There are different constellations of findings, under which an operation is possible. If the conservative treatment fails, surgery is considered. In the presence of paralysis and … When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

When can a herniated disc be operated on? | When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

When can a herniated disc be operated on? A “you can, but you don’t have to operate” situation is usually present in patients with herniated discs when there are no neurological deficits. This refers to patients who have no paralysis of body parts or organs such as the bladder or rectum. If the patients suffer … When can a herniated disc be operated on? | When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

Trigeminal Palsy

Definition The trigeminal nerve is one of the most important nerves in the human body. It is counted among the so-called brain nerves. These are characterized by the fact that they all originate directly from the brain stem. The main task of the trigeminal nerve is, in addition to the nervous supply (innervation) of the … Trigeminal Palsy

Prognosis | Trigeminal Palsy

Prognosis In general, trigeminal nerve palsy usually has a good prognosis. If the nerve is narrowed, it can in most cases be surgically removed and the nerve regains full functionality. If the trigeminal nerve or its branches are injured, for example as a result of an accident, the prognosis depends very much on the degree … Prognosis | Trigeminal Palsy