Medicines for hepatitis C

What drugs are used for hepatitis C? Until 2014, hepatitis C was treated mainly with interferon and drugs that inhibit the multiplication of the virus. In most cases, interferon-α was administered in combination with ribavirin. Since 2015, new drugs that directly attack the virus have been approved. NS5-A inhibitors (Ledipasvir, Daclatasvir, Ombitasvir), NS5-B inhibitors (Sofosbuvir, … Medicines for hepatitis C

Ribavirin | Medicines for hepatitis C

Ribavirin Rivavirin is a drug used to treat certain viral infections, a so-called antiviral drug. In chronic hepatitis C, ribavirin is administered in combination with interferon-α to prevent the hepatitis C-induced form of liver inflammation from worsening and to prevent progressive functional impairment of the liver. The active ingredient ribavirin inhibits the multiplication of viruses … Ribavirin | Medicines for hepatitis C

Costs | Medicines for hepatitis C

Costs Agents that end in -buvir have been available in Germany since 2014, whereby one tablet costs around €488. This corresponds to therapy costs of 43. 500€ for a person over 12 weeks. A pack for a four-week therapy with the drug Simeprevir costs about 9. 360€. Therapy with new drugs that end on -asvir, … Costs | Medicines for hepatitis C