Mumps Causes and Treatment

Symptoms The disease initially begins with fever, loss of appetite, feeling sick, muscle aches, and headache and typically leads to painful inflammation of the salivary glands on one or both sides. The parotid glands may become so swollen that the ears protrude outward. Other possible symptoms and complications include inflammation of the testicles, epididymis or … Mumps Causes and Treatment


Synonyms in the broadest sense mumps, parotitis epidemica Definition Mumps is caused by the mumps virus, which belongs to the group of paramyxoviruses. The acute, highly infectious (=contagious) viral disease is transmitted by droplet infection through direct contact or contact through saliva-contaminated objects from the diseased person. The main symptom is a painful inflammation of … Mumps

CauseEstablishment | Mumps

CauseEstablishment The virus enters the body via the nasopharynx and multiplies in the respiratory tract and the salivary glands of the head. The mumps virus then migrates to the lymph nodes, from where it multiplies again and reaches and infects various organs via the bloodstream. The virus infestation and inflammatory processes of the salivary glands … CauseEstablishment | Mumps

Incubation period | Mumps

Incubation period The time between infection and the appearance of the first symptoms (incubation period) is between 12 and 25 days for mumps. Almost half of those infected show no symptoms at all and only signs of a flu-like infection. Mumps is already contagious one week before the first symptoms appear and up to nine … Incubation period | Mumps

Therapy | Mumps

Therapy There is no causal therapy against the infectious disease. The therapy is symptomatic, i.e. it aims to relieve the symptoms. This can be done with the help of warm bandages of the parotid gland, the food should be given in a papillot form to prevent the throat pain as far as possible. In addition, … Therapy | Mumps

Complications | Mumps

Complications If the testicles in boys or the ovaries (= ovaries) in girls are affected by the generalized inflammatory process, infertility may occur after the painful inflammation. In girls, in 15% of cases, the mammary gland and ovaries become inflamed. Inflammation of the meninges (=meningitis) is present in about 5-10% of cases and has a … Complications | Mumps

Prophylaxis | Mumps

Prophylaxis There is an effective protective vaccination against the mumps virus, which is available as a single or combined vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella or measles, mumps). The permanent vaccination committee StIKo recommends vaccination against mumps for all children according to the vaccination calendar. Basic immunization against mumps requires two vaccinations. The first vaccination should be … Prophylaxis | Mumps

Therapy | Inflammation of the salivary gland

Therapy With the exception of salivary gland inflammation caused by a virus, it is important to detect and treat the cause so that the glandular tissue can subsequently recover and heal. Stones should be removed from the glandular duct if possible to avoid a recurrence of the inflammation. If rheumatic diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome … Therapy | Inflammation of the salivary gland

Prognosis | Inflammation of the salivary gland

Prognosis The prognosis of an acute, one-off salivary gland inflammation is usually very good. If the trigger is found in time and a targeted, symptom-oriented therapy is started, the disease heals without problems or consequences within a few days. When removing salivary glands, especially those of the parotid gland, there is a risk that the … Prognosis | Inflammation of the salivary gland