Baker cyst

Synonyms Popular cyst Synovial cyst Sacculation of the joint capsule Popliteal cyst Definition Baker cyst A Baker’s cyst is caused by a knee joint disease with chronic knee joint effusion. This results in a bulging (bulge) of the posterior joint capsule, comparable to an overflow valve. Alternatively, mechanical irritation of the muscles that are located … Baker cyst

Frequency | Baker cyst

Frequency Symptoms Patients with a Baker cyst report recurrent knee and upper calf pain located on the back of the leg. In some cases, only an uncharacteristic feeling of tension in the hollow of the knee is reported. However, the extent of the complaints depends on the degree of activity of the fluid formation. After … Frequency | Baker cyst

Forecast | Baker cyst

Forecast Conservative measures usually only lead to an improvement of the symptoms caused by the Baker cyst. A disappearance or “drying up” of the Baker cyst is not to be expected when using purely conservative measures. Only an operative therapy of the cause of the excessive water formation in the knee joint (e.g. a meniscus … Forecast | Baker cyst

Summary | Baker cyst

Summary The Baker’s cyst (popliteal cyst) in the hollow of the knee is a fluid-filled sac in the hollow of the knee. It is an indirect sign of damage to the knee joint. The damage in the knee joint (the causes of this can be wear and tear, i.e. arthrosis, meniscus damage or an underlying … Summary | Baker cyst