Pain in the patella tendon

Definition Pain in the patella tendon is an unpleasant, sometimes stabbing or pulling sensation in the area of the patella tendon. Anatomically, the patellar tendon is a rough ligamentous structure between the underside of the patella and the tibia, more precisely at the tibial tuberosity, a roughened bony process at the front of the tibia. … Pain in the patella tendon

Torn patella tendon

A torn patella tendon is when the tendon between the front thigh muscles and the lower part of the kneecap (patella) tears partially or completely. The term patella tendon rupture is also used as a synonym for patella tendon rupture. Tearing of the patella tendon is a relatively rare disease that can occur in cases … Torn patella tendon

Aftercare | Torn patella tendon

Aftercare Overall, the healing phase of patellar tendon ruptures takes a relatively long time, since tendons are among the tissue types that are less well supplied with blood. Immobilization is therefore of utmost importance for the healing process. Various aids are used for this, such as a so-called stretching orthosis or a thigh tutor splint. … Aftercare | Torn patella tendon