Appendix Vermiformis: Structure, Function & Diseases

The appendix vermiformis is an appendage of the appendix that is prone to acute inflammation. Colloquially, it is also called the appendix. Recent research suggests an immunoregulatory function of the organ previously classified as largely nonfunctional. What is the vermiform appendix? Infographic showing the anatomy and location of appendicitis. Click image to enlarge. The appendix … Appendix Vermiformis: Structure, Function & Diseases

Air in the abdomen

Free air in the abdominal cavity (med. peritoneal cavity) is also called pneumoperitoneum. A pneumoperitoneum can be artificially created by a physician, for example during an operation, and is in this case called a pseudopneumoperitoneum. However, pathological processes or injuries of the abdominal cavity can also lead to this clinical picture. The causes Normally, the … Air in the abdomen

Cholecystectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Anyone who has gallstones and repeatedly suffers from painful colic is well advised to have the gallbladder removed. It is the only way to remove gallstones in the long term and prevent them from forming again. What is cholecystectomy? Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of the gallbladder via laparoscopy. Cholecystectomy is the surgical removal of … Cholecystectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Can ulcerative colitis be cured?

Introduction – where do we stand with the therapy? Ulcerative colitis is – just like Crohn’s disease – a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (CED), which has its peak frequency in young adults between the ages of 20 and 35. The cause of ulcerative colitis is still largely unknown. It is suspected – similar to Crohn’s … Can ulcerative colitis be cured?

What is the perspective – will ulcerative colitis be curable? | Can ulcerative colitis be cured?

What is the perspective – will ulcerative colitis be curable? Ulcerative colitis, as a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that strictly only affects the colon and rectum, is already curable in principle. Surgical removal of these intestinal sections prevents a recurrence of the disease. However, the operation is a major one and the consequences behind it … What is the perspective – will ulcerative colitis be curable? | Can ulcerative colitis be cured?

Therapy | Umbilical hernia in pregnancy

Therapy Also in the case of an umbilical hernia during or after pregnancy, treatment can be done in different ways: First, one waits for some time after delivery. Due to the reduced pressure in the abdominal cavity, many umbilical hernias regress spontaneously and do not require any therapy. A symptomless umbilical hernia, however, which either … Therapy | Umbilical hernia in pregnancy

Does an umbilical hernia require a Caesarean section? | Umbilical hernia in pregnancy

Does an umbilical hernia require a Caesarean section? An umbilical hernia in pregnancy does not necessarily mean that a Caesarean section must be performed. It is also possible to give birth to a child with umbilical hernia in a natural way. Newer procedures combine a Caesarean section with the treatment of the umbilical hernia. The … Does an umbilical hernia require a Caesarean section? | Umbilical hernia in pregnancy