Intensive Care: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Intensive care medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening diseases and conditions. It is closely related to emergency medicine, as intensive medical measures are used to maintain vital functions. The primary goal is to preserve the life of the patient, with the diagnosis being secondary for the time being. What is intensive care … Intensive Care: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Adhesions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

An adhesion refers to the growing together of different organs. It is usually caused by major injuries and surgery. The consequences of adhesions can be both harmless and life-threatening (intestinal obstruction). What are adhesions? Adhesions, or adhesions in medical terms, often occur after major surgery in the abdomen. In this case, an adhesion represents the … Adhesions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome, or FHC syndrome, occurs predominantly as a complication following inflammation in the pelvic region. Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting occur. What is Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome? The condition was first noticed by a Uruguayan surgeon in 1920. It was first described by American gynecologist Arthur Hale Curtis. In 1934, an American internist was able to … Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Appendectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix vermiformis. The procedure is used when there is inflammation of the appendix vermiformis. What is appendectomy? Appendectomy is when the appendix vermiformis is surgically removed. Appendectomy is when the appendix vermiformis is surgically removed. This is done when there is inflammation of the appendix. Most people refer … Appendectomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Uterine Cancer (Endometrial Cancer): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In the early stages, uterine cancer or endometrial cancer is usually easily treatable. Depending on the patient, different treatment methods are available. Uterine cancer should not be confused with cervical cancer. What is uterine cancer? Uterine cancer is also called endometrial carcinoma in medicine. Derived from the words carcinoma (malignant growth) and endometrium (lining of … Uterine Cancer (Endometrial Cancer): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pyaemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Piremia is a particularly severe form of blood poisoning (sepsis) in which the pathogens carried by the blood flow secondarily affect other organs. The prognosis is generally even less favorable than in ordinary sepsis. What is pyemia? Piremia is also called metastatic general infection because masses of pathogens infect other organs through the bloodstream. The … Pyaemia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Salmonella Typhi: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

The bacterium Salmonella Typhi causes the infectious disease typhoid fever. It is a pathogenic enterobacterium that has a high probability of causing disease. An infectious dose of 100 to 1000 pathogens is already sufficient. The rate of disease increases with the number of pathogens. Infection occurs primarily through humans. What is Salmonella Typhi? Salmonella Typhi … Salmonella Typhi: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Necrotizing enterocolitis is a disease of the intestine that occurs primarily in premature infants. The exact causes have not yet been clearly determined. Although treatment of the disease is achieving greater and greater success, it continues to occur frequently and in quite a few cases leads to death. What is necrotizing enterocolitis? By necrotizing enterocolitis, … Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment