Amoxicillin rash

ExanthemaAmoxicillin rash is one of the most common drug-induced rashes. It occurs in about 5-10% of patients. In the case of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, the rash occurs in 90% of cases. On the other hand, other derivatives of penicillin can be administered without the risk of a rash … Amoxicillin rash

Piper glandular fever and amoxicillin | Amoxicillin rash

Piper glandular fever and amoxicillin Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It causes severe malaise, sore throat and swelling of the lymph nodes. As patients present with sore throats to their family doctor, an inflammation of the throat can be falsely diagnosed and treated with e.g. amoxicillin. However, whistling … Piper glandular fever and amoxicillin | Amoxicillin rash

Swollen liver

Introduction Swelling of the liver is called hepatomegaly in medical jargon. Actually, it is more correct to speak of an enlargement of the liver than of a swelling of the liver. Such an enlargement is usually not painful and is therefore in most cases a chance diagnosis during a physical examination or an ultrasound examination … Swollen liver

Associated symptoms of a swollen liver | Swollen liver

Associated symptoms of a swollen liver Not infrequently, an enlargement of the liver is also accompanied by an enlargement of the spleen. This is called hepatosplenomegaly. Depending on what causes the enlargement of the liver, the possible accompanying symptoms are very variable. In fatty liver disease, there are usually no symptoms at first. If an … Associated symptoms of a swollen liver | Swollen liver