Lordosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lordosis is a spinal curvature in the anterior direction. Hyperlordosis represents a common deformity of posture. What is lordosis? Lordosis is a curvature of the spine that runs in the anterior direction. It is the counterpart of kyphosis, in which the spinal curvature is in the posterior direction. In the overall shape of the spine, … Lordosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pomarinos Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pomarino’s disease, or persistent forefoot gait, is a gait abnormality that occurs in approximately 5% of preschool children. It is often detected during regular screening examinations; however, awareness of the problem cannot yet be assumed among all pediatricians. In about half of the cases, Pomarino’s disease “grows out” by school age. Nevertheless, early treatment with … Pomarinos Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment