Typical symptoms of abdominal pain during pregnancy | Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy

Typical symptoms of abdominal pain during pregnancy

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be of varying severity. Mostly it is a pulling pain on one or both sides, which can become very unpleasant. Since the causes are usually harmless, there is usually no need to worry at first. If, however, other symptoms occur, such as nausea, vomiting, fever or vaginal bleeding, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. The ovaries can be responsible for abdominal pain during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain during pregnancy

If abdominal pain persists during pregnancy and does not improve on its own, a doctor should be consulted. He will examine and palpate the abdomen. In addition, he will perform an ultrasound scan to determine whether there is anything wrong with the baby and the uterus.

If necessary, the urine will also be examined to rule out a possible urinary tract infection. If all these examinations do not reveal any pathological findings, it is probably a harmless cause of the symptoms, for example overstretching of the uterine retaining ligaments. In very rare cases, an MRI is necessary during pregnancy. An MRI during pregnancy is quite possible, but should only be performed under very strict indications.

TherapyWhat to do?

The treatment of abdominal pain during pregnancy depends on its cause. If serious diseases or disorders of the pregnancy have been excluded, a harmless cause can be assumed, for example an overstretched ligament in the uterus. To relieve the symptoms, it is usually helpful if the pregnant woman rests more, sits down more often and puts her legs up.

This helps to relax the abdominal area. A hot water bottle in the back that is not too hot or a warm bath can also help. In some cases, the intake of magnesium can help, especially to relieve cramp-like abdominal pain. If there is an organic cause, such as a urinary tract infection, the doctor will prescribe a suitable medication against the infection during pregnancy. The editorship recommends in addition: Pain means in the pregnancy