The Subconscious Mind: How does it Influence Our Decisions?

Any psychologist would confirm that the subconscious plays an important role in major decisions. This insight is not new to most people, because almost everyone knows the somewhat indefinable “gut feeling”, that intuition that is often felt when it comes to important decisions. In the meantime, it has been scientifically proven: Careful consideration is not … The Subconscious Mind: How does it Influence Our Decisions?

Production of Medicines in the Pharmacy

Classification according to PH Production Ad hoc manufacturing Manufacture according to prefecture Classification according to the Therapeutic Products Act Magistral prescriptions (Formula magistralis): individual preparation of drugs on a doctor’s prescription. Formula officinalis: Production of medicines for the clientele according to official formulas. House specialties: Manufacture of medicines for clientele according to their own formula. … Production of Medicines in the Pharmacy

Hospital Prescriptions

Introduction Hospital prescriptions in many countries are usually medical prescriptions that patients receive when they are discharged from a hospital. Difficulties regularly arise when filling prescriptions, which have multifaceted causes. As a result, the dispensing of the medication can be delayed and, in the worst case, the patient is not treated adequately or suffers adverse … Hospital Prescriptions

The Psychopathological Findings: What Belongs in These Findings?

Many brain functions, thought processes, and mental processes are examined and questioned: to rule out disorders of consciousness, the function of the senses, orientation, memory and recall, attention, concentration and comprehension, and the ability to behave appropriately to the situation are tested. Quantitative disorders of consciousness such as drowsiness, somnolence, sopor, precoma, and coma, in … The Psychopathological Findings: What Belongs in These Findings?