How many wasp stings are deadly? | Wasp sting – You should expect these late effects

How many wasp stings are deadly?

First of all it has to be said that it is extremely unlikely to actually die from a wasp sting. If at all, one is much more likely to die from the anaphylactic shock that occurs immediately after the sting than from the late effects of the sting. The only late consequence that can lead to death without treatment is sepsis.

Moreover, every person reacts individually to wasp stings, so it is not possible to answer this question exactly. In general, the following dimensions apply to healthy people without allergy: In contrast, in the case of an allergy sufferer, in case of doubt, only one sting is sufficient to die from the consequences of anaphylactic shock without immediate medical treatment.

  • In adults it becomes dangerous from about 100 stings,
  • With children already from 50.