
What is Infliximab? Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody. It is a very potent drug that suppresses the immune system and has anti-inflammatory effects. It is used in various rheumatic diseases, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and the skin disease psoriasis. It can be administered only as an intravenous infusion, which is why Infliximab must be administered … Infliximab

How does Infliximab work? | Infliximab

How does Infliximab work? Infliximab is a monoclonal antibody that is produced biotechnologically. Monoclonal means that all antibodies contained in the preparation are exactly the same, since they were synthesized by one and the same cell. As a result, Infliximab has a very high affinity to its target structure, the human, i.e. human tumor necrosis … How does Infliximab work? | Infliximab

Interactions of Infliximab | Infliximab

Interactions of Infliximab Interactions between Infliximab and other medications taken simultaneously are possible. Although there are not many studies on interactions with Infliximab, it is recommended that some aspects of its use be considered. Infliximab should not be taken together with similarly acting medications, as they can massively increase each other’s effects and can lead … Interactions of Infliximab | Infliximab

What are the alternatives to Infliximab? | Infliximab

What are the alternatives to Infliximab? In addition to Infliximab, there are other tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors that can be used depending on the underlying disease and current health situation. One alternative is the antibody adalimumab, which is marketed under the trade name Humira®. There are also the drugs Certolizumab (Cimzia®), Etanercept (Enbrel®) and Golilumab … What are the alternatives to Infliximab? | Infliximab

Nocturnal itching

Introduction Nocturnal itching is a symptom in which – especially during the night hours – there is sometimes tormenting itching which is hardly present during the day. Often there is a strong scratching reflex, but this often does not provide sufficient relief. Under certain circumstances, the itching can be so severe that the person concerned … Nocturnal itching

The duration | Nocturnal itching

The duration Both the duration and the prognosis of nocturnal itching depend largely on the underlying disease. Parasitic pathogens can be effectively eliminated by household sanitation and appropriate skin therapy, whereby the itching can be treated quickly. In chronic skin diseases, itching can occur in recurrent episodes interrupted by symptom-free intervals.With progressive diseases of the … The duration | Nocturnal itching

Painful finger joints during pregnancy | Painful finger joints

Painful finger joints during pregnancy During pregnancy various reasons can lead to joint problems. For example, water retention from the 4th month of pregnancy onwards can cause joint problems. Then, especially at night, there are complaints such as pain and numbness. The pain is caused by water retention in a ligament structure on the wrist, … Painful finger joints during pregnancy | Painful finger joints

Prognosis | Painful finger joints

Prognosis The prognosis also depends on the trauma suffered. Thus, in the case of an uncomplicated fracture, the complete function of the finger joint can usually be restored. In the case of complicated fractures, for example if the cartilage in the joint is also affected or several ligaments are injured, the function may be impaired … Prognosis | Painful finger joints

Painful finger joints

Introduction Pain in the finger joint can have many different causes. The pain can be the result of a traumatic injury or it can be of chronic origin. To have pain in the finger joint, the bone does not necessarily have to be affected. Depending on the age group, different injuries are predominant. Causes The … Painful finger joints