Wound healing disorder

General information A wound healing disorder is generally understood to be the slowed, untypical process of natural wound healing. There are a variety of reasons why someone may develop a wound healing disorder: Both individual characteristics or diseases and external factors, such as the incorrect care of a wound, can lead to wound healing disorders. … Wound healing disorder

Symptoms | Wound healing disorder

Symptoms The symptom of the wound healing disorder is ultimately the non-healing wound itself. Depending on the form of the wound healing disorder, the edges of the wound may diverge (wound dehiscence), enclose an accumulation of blood (wound hematoma) or be dead and thus yellowish (wound margin necrosis). Due to inflammatory processes, the wound and … Symptoms | Wound healing disorder

History | Wound healing disorder

History If wound healing disorders are detected early and receive appropriate therapy promptly, they are no further cause for great concern. However, especially in the case of very large wounds, such as those resulting from surgical procedures, inadequate or unsuccessful therapy can lead to massive inflammation and thus to life-threatening conditions. For this reason, people … History | Wound healing disorder

Wound healing disorders in smokers | Wound healing disorder

Wound healing disorders in smokers The intake of cigarette smoke and the harmful ingredients it contains has been proven to have a negative effect on wound healing. Numerous studies have shown that smokers have a significantly delayed and worse wound healing than non-smokers. The reason for this lies in several harmful influences caused by nicotine: … Wound healing disorders in smokers | Wound healing disorder

Wound healing disorders after surgery | Wound healing disorder

Wound healing disorders after surgery After an operation, many patients are initially relieved when everything has gone according to plan. Unfortunately, many complications can still occur even after the operation has been completed. One of the most important and feared complications is the wound healing disorder. In some cases, it delays wound healing considerably and … Wound healing disorders after surgery | Wound healing disorder

Dry lips in summer

A great many people suffer from dry lips, as they not only look unattractive, but can sometimes be really painful. With most this problem intensifies in the cold winter months, since here the emergence of dry skin is still promoted by dry heating air. Others, however, complain about dry lips all year round, some even … Dry lips in summer

Dry skin on the legs

Introduction Dry skin is an annoying problem for many people, especially in winter. Like the face, arms and the whole body, the legs can also have dry skin, especially the lower legs and the front of the legs are affected. Every person suffers more or less from dry skin in his or her life, whereby … Dry skin on the legs