What is the prognosis? | Low blood pressure and high pulse

What is the prognosis? If pathological causes for low blood pressure and high pulse rate have been excluded, there is no further reason for concern. Although it is difficult to make statements about how long it takes for the individual to counteract the complaints, positive effects can usually be determined very quickly if the instructions … What is the prognosis? | Low blood pressure and high pulse

Low blood pressure and high pulse during pregnancy | Low blood pressure and high pulse

Low blood pressure and high pulse during pregnancy Both low blood pressure and elevated heart rate are very common in pregnant women. The two phenomena do not always have the same cause, but they do influence each other and are difficult to distinguish. The increased pulse rate is usually a natural reaction of the body … Low blood pressure and high pulse during pregnancy | Low blood pressure and high pulse

Associated symptoms | Low blood pressure and high pulse

Associated symptoms In connection with low blood pressure and a high pulse rate, a number of side effects can occur. Especially if you are not used to it, a high pulse and the feeling of a racing heart can often lead to fear and even panic. A resulting feeling of breathlessness often intensifies these symptoms. … Associated symptoms | Low blood pressure and high pulse

Stable lateral position

Definition The stable lateral position is a standard position in which an independently breathing but unconscious or unconscious person should be used to prevent the inhalation of foreign bodies (aspiration). Unconscious persons are particularly at risk of aspiration because the body’s own protective reflexes, such as the cough reflex, fail. The stable lateral position should … Stable lateral position

Stable lateral position for children/babies | Stable lateral position

Stable lateral position for children/babies There should be no shyness if the unconscious person is suddenly a child or even a baby. In fact, any position is better than the supine position, because in this position the tongue can fall far back and the person affected can choke on the tongue or stomach contents. Babies … Stable lateral position for children/babies | Stable lateral position

Cardiac output per minute

Definition The cardiac output per minute (HMV) is defined as the volume of blood pumped per minute from the heart into the body’s circulation. Alternatively, the term body time volume is also used, but the term cardiac output per minute is more common. The cardiac output per minute is used as a measure of the … Cardiac output per minute