The pupil reflex

The pupillary reflex describes the involuntary adaptation of the eye to changing light conditions. The width of the pupil changes reflectively with incident light. This reflex is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system and plays an important role in visual acuity and in the protection of the retina. If the environment is very bright, the … The pupil reflex

How can the pupillary reflex be tested? | The pupil reflex

How can the pupillary reflex be tested? The examination of the pupillary reflex is one of the standard examinations in neurology. The pupillary reflex can be tested by means of a flashlight examination. This involves illuminating one eye and examining the reaction of both eyes. If deviations occur, this is called anisocoria. Normally, the doctor … How can the pupillary reflex be tested? | The pupil reflex

How does a cerebral hemorrhage in the early phase manifest itself? | What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?

How does a cerebral hemorrhage in the early phase manifest itself? A characteristic feature of a cerebral hemorrhage is the sudden appearance of the symptoms. Typically, the above-mentioned symptoms do not all occur simultaneously but increasingly one after the other. The symptomatology depends on the location of the bleeding (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem). Usually, the … How does a cerebral hemorrhage in the early phase manifest itself? | What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?

What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Introduction A cerebral hemorrhage (intracranial hemorrhage) is a bleeding within the skull. A distinction is made between intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding into the brain tissue) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding between the middle and inner layers of the brain). In both cases, the bleeding causes compression of surrounding brain areas, a reduced supply of blood to the … What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?