Bulbous Calf Goiter: Intolerance & Allergy

The bulbous calf chervil belongs to the umbelliferous family. Visually, it resembles meadow chervil. Its turnip-like root is a little-known gourmet vegetable. It is also known as chervil beet. Other names are: Bulbous Chervil, Turnip Chervil or Turnip Calf Chervil, and Earth Chestnut. Here’s what you should know about bulbous calf chervil. The turnip-like root … Bulbous Calf Goiter: Intolerance & Allergy

Radish: Incompatibility & Allergy

The radish comes from the cruciferous family and is thus closely related to the radish family. The red bulb of radish has a pungent flavor due to the mustard oil it contains and is eaten raw, in salads or as a bread topping. This is what you should know about radishes Radishes are a very … Radish: Incompatibility & Allergy

Lettuce: Intolerance & Allergy

Lettuce is also called chief lettuce in Austria and belongs to the group of garden lettuces (Lactuca sativa). The axis of the lettuce is compressed and the leaves form a head of several leaf layers, reminiscent of rose heads. It has always been one of the most popular varieties of lettuce, but in recent years … Lettuce: Intolerance & Allergy