Necrosis of the femoral head in children | Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis

Necrosis of the femoral head in children Necrosis of the femoral head can also occur in childhood. In contrast to the adult variant, the disease known as Perthes disease has the major difference that the process of destruction of the hip joint in children is reversible, as reversible. The disease progresses in children in 4 … Necrosis of the femoral head in children | Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis

Morbus Perthes – Exercises

The exercises performed in Perthes disease are very important because they help maintain the mobility of the joint. Regular exercise can maintain the activity of muscles, tendons and ligaments, thus stimulating the metabolism of the joint and accelerating regeneration. Depending on the patient and the stage of the disease, the individual exercises can vary, so … Morbus Perthes – Exercises

Physiotherapy Perthes disease

Physiotherapy is very important in the treatment of Perthes disease and should be performed regularly and often over a long period of time. Parents should also consistently continue a homework program with their child in the home environment that was developed in the physiotherapy program. Applications/Contents In the early stages, it is important to relieve … Physiotherapy Perthes disease

Possible side effects of Perthes disease | Physiotherapy Perthes disease

Possible side effects of Perthes disease The problem is that children suffering from Perthes disease are often not yet able to localize their pain exactly. Pain can occur locally at the hip joint, in the muscles surrounding the joint (e.g. thigh), but also in surrounding joints (e.g. knee joint). By relieving the hip joint or … Possible side effects of Perthes disease | Physiotherapy Perthes disease

Symptoms | Itchy skin rash

Symptoms The symptoms of an itchy rash ultimately arise from the term itself. Only the severity of the itching and rash can vary greatly. In dermatology, rashes are distinguished according to various criteria. First, it is important where a rash occurs. Is it localized or does it occur all over the body (generalized)? At this … Symptoms | Itchy skin rash

Diagnosis | Itchy skin rash

Diagnosis The most important means of diagnosis is the assessment and questioning of the patient by the dermatologist. Often, the cause of an itchy rash can be determined by this alone, without the need for further measures. Depending on the clinical picture, however, further steps may follow. For example, if an allergic reaction is suspected, … Diagnosis | Itchy skin rash