Symptoms | Itchy skin rash

Symptoms The symptoms of an itchy rash ultimately arise from the term itself. Only the severity of the itching and rash can vary greatly. In dermatology, rashes are distinguished according to various criteria. First, it is important where a rash occurs. Is it localized or does it occur all over the body (generalized)? At this … Symptoms | Itchy skin rash

Diagnosis | Itchy skin rash

Diagnosis The most important means of diagnosis is the assessment and questioning of the patient by the dermatologist. Often, the cause of an itchy rash can be determined by this alone, without the need for further measures. Depending on the clinical picture, however, further steps may follow. For example, if an allergic reaction is suspected, … Diagnosis | Itchy skin rash


Definition A puncture is a generic term for a variety of medical procedures. In most cases, a thin hollow needle or an appropriate instrument is used to puncture an organ, a body cavity or a blood vessel and either tissue or fluid is removed. A puncture can be used for diagnostic purposes, for example a … Puncture

Risks of the procedure | Puncture

Risks of the procedure The general risks associated with any type of puncture include bleeding, infection and injury to organs, nerves or blood vessels. In addition, the puncture site can also cause severe pain. These risks vary depending on where the puncture is performed. In the case of a superficial puncture such as taking blood … Risks of the procedure | Puncture

Special punctures | Puncture

Special punctures A puncture of the knee joint may be indicated for two different reasons. On the one hand, to drain a possible joint effusion and to examine it if necessary. Whether this is clear, purulent or rather bloody can provide important information about the cause and thus enable a targeted treatment. Pain can be … Special punctures | Puncture

Tractus Syndrome

Synonyms Runner’s knee, runner’s knee, ilio-tibial ligament syndrome, friction syndrome Definition A tractus syndrome is a pain syndrome, mainly caused by overstrain, which spreads mainly in the area of the outside of the knee and Pain and Can cause movement impairments. Causes In order to ensure the movement of the lower extremity, muscles and their … Tractus Syndrome

Taping of torn muscle fibers

Introduction In the taping procedure of a torn muscle fibre, an elastic kinesiotape is placed over the damaged muscle, fixed and left in this position for a few days or weeks. The taping method is a treatment method that has been used for several years in orthopedics and sports medicine to relieve muscle strain. The … Taping of torn muscle fibers

Instructions for Kinesiotape | Taping of torn muscle fibers

Instructions for Kinesiotape A few points should be observed to ensure successful use. First of all, the practitioner should sit or lie down in such a way that the patient can reach the corresponding muscle to be treated very well. Then the practitioner should have a very good theoretical understanding of the muscle’s course (anatomical … Instructions for Kinesiotape | Taping of torn muscle fibers