Asphyxiating Thoracic Dyplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia is a short rib polydactyly syndrome. The patients’ narrow thorax usually causes thoracic respiratory failure. If affected individuals survive the first two years, the risk of death in the future is greatly reduced. What is asphyxiating thoracic dyplasia? Asphyxiating thoracic dyplasia is a skeletal dysplasia in the short rib polydactyly group of … Asphyxiating Thoracic Dyplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Fentanyl: Effects, Uses & Risks

Fentanyl was developed in 1960 by Paul Janssen and was the first anilinopiperidine at that time. Some modifications to the molecular formula have since allowed some derivatives to be developed from fentanyl that are more controllable. What is fentanyl? Fentanyl is used in anesthesia as an analgesic and in the treatment of chronic pain. Fentanyl … Fentanyl: Effects, Uses & Risks

Nalbuphine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Nalbuphine is an analgesic agent that belongs to the opioid group. It is used for short periods to relieve moderate to acute pain and is primarily administered as a solution with varying levels of active ingredient. In addition, the substance is also used in anesthesia. What is nalbuphine? Nalbuphine is a medicinal substance belonging to … Nalbuphine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Naloxone: Effects, Uses & Risks

Naloxone is a medicinal agent that is attributed to the opiod agonist group, meaning that it does not have opioid-like effects itself. Naloxone is used to reverse the effects of opioids as an antidote. It is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, or intravenously. What is naloxone? The substance naloxone is one of the opioid antagonists. Together with … Naloxone: Effects, Uses & Risks


Products Methadone is commercially available as tablets, injectable solution, and oral solution (e.g., Ketalgin, Methadone Streuli). Methadone solutions are also prepared in pharmacies as extemporaneous preparations. Structure and properties Methadone (C21H27NO, Mr = 309.45 g/mol) is a synthetically prepared derivative of pethidine, which is itself a derivative of atropine. It is chiral and exists as … Methadone

Opioids: Effects, Uses & Risks

Strong-acting painkillers are grouped under the term opioids. They can lead to dependence if used in excess. What are opioids? Strong-acting painkillers are summarized under the term opioids. They can lead to dependence if used in excess. Opioids that are used as pain relievers are also called opioid analgesics. These agents exert a strong analgesic … Opioids: Effects, Uses & Risks

Opioid Abuse: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Opioids are substances produced naturally in the body as well as synthetically produced substances that act at the opioid receptors. They are a morphine-like effect that can quickly lead to addiction. Opioid abuse is therefore the use of such substances leading to addiction or supporting addiction. For prevention, every physician should be cautious about prescribing … Opioid Abuse: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Alfentanil: Effects, Uses & Risks

Alfentanil is used in medicine mainly for anesthesia. Due to its rapid onset of action combined with a short duration of action, it is used in particular for minor interventions. The opioid leaves the patient with almost no accompanying symptoms. What is alfentanil? Alfentanil is used in medicine primarily for anesthesia. Opioids have been widely … Alfentanil: Effects, Uses & Risks

Thiopental: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active ingredient thiopental is a hypnotic, that is, a sleeping pill that is effective for a very short time. It is also known as Trapanal or Pentothal. The substance thiopental is a sodium salt and belongs to the group of barbiturates, which have no analgesic effect. The active ingredient was developed in the early … Thiopental: Effects, Uses & Risks

Respiratory Depression: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The following describes what exactly respiratory depression or hypoventilation is, what can cause it, and what symptoms may indicate that it is occurring. Furthermore, information is given on the medical diagnosis, the course, and the treatment and prevention of respiratory depression. What is respiratory depression? The normal number of breaths in an average adult is … Respiratory Depression: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment