
What is a cut? Cuts are wounds that are mechanically caused by sharp violence of any kind. These include above all so-called occasional wounds, which occur accidentally as a result of accidents or intentionally with damaging intent, but also surgical wounds in the context of medical interventions (e.g. by scalpels). Occasional wounds are always colonized … Gash

Complications of a cut | Gash

Complications of a cut The main complications of an incision wound are, on the one hand, the penetration of germs into the injured skin and, on the other hand, the injury of important structures such as nerves, tendons, muscles or vessels. In the case of cuts, the protective skin barrier is damaged so that bacteria … Complications of a cut | Gash

Therapy | Gash

Therapy The correct treatment of a cut depends on the severity and depth of the wound. Small, superficial cuts should first bleed a little (to flush out bacteria and dirt), rinse with clean water and then apply a sterile plaster. The application of disinfectant is also possible. Deeper, large cuts should be treated immediately, but … Therapy | Gash

Healing time of a cut | Gash

Healing time of a cut The duration of wound healing depends on whether the wound edges of the incision grow together directly to form a narrow scar (primary wound healing) and whether healing complications occur. In the case of a normal, complication-free course without wound infection, in the case of a wound where the wound … Healing time of a cut | Gash