Leg pain in children

Definition Leg pain that occurs in children is in most cases harmless growth pain. Nevertheless, the leg pain should be observed and, in case of doubt, clarified by a doctor. Introduction In general, it can be assumed that every third child has to deal with such leg pain at some point. The majority of children … Leg pain in children

Causes | Leg pain in children

Causes The possible causes for the occurrence of leg pain in children range from harmless growth pains to malignant tumours. Depending on when the pain occurs, different causes can be considered. Growth pain is one of the most common causes of leg pain in children that occurs at night. In general, it can be assumed … Causes | Leg pain in children

Diagnosis | Leg pain in children

Diagnosis The diagnosis of leg pain in children is usually done in several steps. At the beginning, a detailed conversation between the treating specialist and the parents of the affected child (so-called anamnesis) is conducted. During this conversation, the existing complaints should be described as precisely as possible. In this context, the localisation and timing … Diagnosis | Leg pain in children