Sublingual Immunotherapy

Products Solutions and sublingual tablets are available for sublingual immunotherapy in many countries (e.g., Oralair, Staloral, Grazax). Sublingual tablets, unlike some solutions, do not need to be stored in the refrigerator. Ingredients The medicines contain allergen extracts of common allergens, such as pollen from grasses, trees, and shrubs. Effects The allergen extracts (ATC V01AA) produce … Sublingual Immunotherapy

Sublingual Immunotherapy: “Allergy Vaccination” Without Needles

Spring and summer time: for most people a reason to rejoice, for pollen allergy sufferers this time is associated with a runny nose, itchy eyes and breathing difficulties. Specific immunotherapy can effectively combat the causes of hay fever – now even with drops instead of injections. This is called sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). You can find … Sublingual Immunotherapy: “Allergy Vaccination” Without Needles