
Synonyms in a broader sense Chicks, chestnuts, irritable cough, coughing irritation engl. : to cough Definition Coughing is the body’s natural method of clearing the airways of foreign bodies and pathogens and is therefore a sign of a healthy immune system. Coughing is a symptom and not a disease in itself; the causes are manifold. … Cough

Nocturnal cough | Cough

Nocturnal cough A common cause of night-time coughing is the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, which is facilitated by lying down.This so-called gastroesophageal reflux is not uncommon, affects women and men equally and is aggravated by coffee consumption, nicotine, overweight, alcohol and stress; the actual cause is a weakness of the stomach entrance … Nocturnal cough | Cough

Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic therapy for bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic therapy for bronchitis Antibiotic therapy that is not effective for viral infections can have unpleasant consequences. Antibiotics also kill the beneficial bacteria in the body. Since the intestine in particular is home to many of these useful bacteria, the intestinal flora is often severely disturbed by antibiotics. Some patients subsequently develop … Consequences of unnecessary antibiotic therapy for bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis Since antibiotics usually attack not only the disease-causing or pathogenic bacteria, but also useful strains of bacteria in our body, taking them can lead to corresponding side effects. For example, the bacteria of the intestinal flora, which play an important role in the digestive process, or the lactic acid … Side effects of antibiotics in bronchitis | Which antibiotics help with bronchitis?

Toothache – What are the causes?

Probably everyone has already made the unpleasant acquaintance with toothache. But why do people perceive the strength of toothache so intensively? Or are they even more unpleasant than pain in other parts of the body? Are there systemic diseases that influence toothache and can stress change the pain and even increase it? Why do teeth … Toothache – What are the causes?

How does the duration differ? | What is the difference between a cold and a flu?

How does the duration differ? A cold and a flu have a different course of the disease and accordingly the duration of the illness is different. The duration of a cold depends on the type of pathogen, the severity of the infection and the immune system of the person affected. Normally, a common cold lasts … How does the duration differ? | What is the difference between a cold and a flu?

Diagnosis | Tonsillitis causes and diagnosis

Diagnosis The diagnosis of tonsillitis is usually divided into several steps.A first indication of the presence of tonsillitis can in most cases be found during the doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During the physical examination, the attending physician pays particular attention to painful enlargement of the lymph nodes in the area of the neck. Within the oral … Diagnosis | Tonsillitis causes and diagnosis

Therapy | Tonsillitis causes and diagnosis

Therapy Self-therapy: In the case of tonsillitis, the affected patient can already initiate some treatment steps from home. Especially the accompanying symptoms can be treated quite easily and quickly in most cases. If the affected person suffers from pain and/or fever, light painkillers are suitable. Especially the active ingredients paracetamol and ibuprofen are able to … Therapy | Tonsillitis causes and diagnosis