Mat Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

The mat bean, like all types of beans, belongs to the papilionaceous family and thus counts as a legume. The undemanding plant originates from the Indian subcontinent and thrives particularly well in dry-warm regions. Like the closely related Urd bean, the protein-rich mat bean is used in numerous traditional Indian dishes.

Here’s what you should know about the mat bean

Like all legumes, the mat bean is rich in high-quality vegetable protein. However, it is very low in fat and carbohydrates, making it a comparatively low-calorie food. Mat beans are among the most common types of beans in Indian and East Asian cuisine. The mat bean was first cultivated on the Indian subcontinent more than 2000 years ago. Since it is particularly well adapted to a semi-arid to dry warm climate and also thrives well on nutrient-poor soils, the mat bean already spread to Pakistan, Thailand and China in historical times. Today, it is also increasingly cultivated in the USA, Australia and some African countries. The annual plant requires little care. After sowing, a taproot forms quickly, which makes it possible to use moisture present in deeper soil layers. Above the soil surface, creeping, rough-haired tendrils grow up to one meter long, spreading in a circle and densely covered with three-part foliage leaves. Small yellowish flowers in the leaf axils form 2.5 to 5 cm long brown pods, also hairy, which contain up to nine elongated seeds. At a maximum of 5 mm long and 3 mm thick, these are quite small even for beans native to India. Depending on the breeding line, the seeds, which like the whole plant are called mat beans, are rectangular or kidney-shaped, and all shades of color from light beige to green to brown are also possible. All varieties reach only a low growth height, so they must be harvested laboriously by hand. In addition to the seeds, the pods, stems and leaves are also edible. These taste tangy-fresh, while the seeds are very mild and only slightly nutty in flavor. However, this makes them versatile. Since the plant cannot be grown in the temperate climate zone, only the dried bean seeds are available in Europe. In regular supermarkets mat beans are not normally found, but some Asian stores have them in their assortment. The easiest way to obtain mat beans is through online retailers. In addition to the name matte bean, moth bean and mosquito bean are also common in the trade.

Importance for health

Like all legumes, mat bean is rich in high-quality vegetable protein. However, it is very low in fat and carbohydrates, making it a comparatively low-calorie food. Due to the dietary fiber contained in matzo beans, they are nevertheless very filling. This makes mat beans ideal for reduction diets and low-carbohydrate diets. Diabetics can also benefit from mate beans, as their combination of nutrients ensures that blood sugar levels rise only slowly after a meal. Due to the high content of various vitamins and minerals, eating matzo beans supports cell renewal. Mat beans also strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the metabolism. Cholesterol levels and blood pressure can also be regulated with the help of a diet rich in legumes such as the mate bean. Mat beans are especially recommended for vegetarian and vegan diets, as they are not only rich in protein, but also contain comparatively high amounts of iron. Negative health effects, as they can occur with related bean species, are not to be expected with mat beans. Only the consumption of large quantities of mat beans can cause digestive problems, but this is typical for all legumes. The protease inhibitors and pectins they contain can cause flatulence and stomach upset, and in very rare cases even damage to the intestinal walls. However, since these substances are neutralized by the action of heat, mat beans are completely safe to eat when properly prepared. In general, mat beans are even very digestible. Dishes containing mat beans are recommended in Indian folk medicine for febrile diseases.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Nutritional information

Amount per 100 gram

Calories 343

Fat content 1.6 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 30 mg

Potassium 1,191 mg

Carbohydrates 62 g

Dietary fiber 23 g

Magnesium 381 mg

Uncooked snap beans contain only about 340 kcal per 100 g. Since they are about 30 percent protein, this makes them not only a high-quality protein source, but also a comparatively low-calorie one. Mat beans hardly contain any fat, and the carbohydrates they contain are largely in the form of dietary fiber. Matte beans are rich in magnesium, calcium and, above all, iron. A wide range of vitamins is also found in mat beans, especially vitamin C and vitamin B6. An even higher content of vitamins is obtained when mat beans are sprouted and then consumed as bean sprouts.

Intolerances and allergies

The mattock bean is generally very digestible. Allergies and intolerances directly related to mat beans are not known. However, as with other types of beans, mild to moderate digestive discomfort may occur if the gastrointestinal tract is sensitive to legumes. However, these complaints can be avoided by thorough cooking and the addition of spices that counteract flatulence. Soy intolerance can also cause digestive problems due to the relationship between the two types of beans. In this case, the attending physician should be informed. Since mat beans, like other legumes, have a comparatively high purine content, they can affect uric acid levels. Anyone suffering from gout should therefore avoid them if possible.

Shopping and kitchen tips

While mat beans are widely available in their country of origin, India, they are still largely unknown in Europe. However, they are readily available in special Asian markets or through online retailers, albeit only dried. However, this makes mat beans a product that can be stored excellently and is therefore ideal for home storage. Because of their small size, matte beans are suitable for quick meals because, unlike other dried legumes, they do not necessarily need to be soaked before preparation. However, those who are prone to discomfort after eating legumes should still soak mat beans and then pour away the soaking water, as this makes them more digestible. Since mat beans germinate very easily, they can also be used to grow hearty, nutty-tasting bean sprouts. These can easily be stored in the refrigerator for three to four days.

Preparation tips

Thanks to their mild flavor, mat beans can be used not only for classic Indian curries, but also for Mediterranean or Central European flavored stews. Cooked in salted water, mat beans can also be prepared as a salad together with other legumes and vegetables after draining and cooling. Sprouts from mate bean seeds can be used up in just as varied a way. They can be pan-fried as well as cooked in a pot along with other ingredients. Raw, they are a fresh and vitamin-rich addition to salads.