Memory loss | Symptoms of a stroke

Memory loss Memory disorders (amnesia) after a stroke are also common symptoms. The type of memory disorder also depends on the severity and location of the stroke. In some cases, the retrieval of already stored knowledge (from the past) is difficult (retrograde amnesia) or even impossible, in other cases, the storage of new information is … Memory loss | Symptoms of a stroke

Neck Pain | Symptoms of a stroke

Neck Pain As already described, a common symptom of stroke is a sudden onset of severe headache. This can sometimes be accompanied by neck pain. The neck pain can also be unilateral, often on the side where the headache occurs. Headaches and neck pain are more typical of a cerebral haemorrhage, and a cerebral infarction … Neck Pain | Symptoms of a stroke

What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?

Introduction A cerebral hemorrhage (intracranial hemorrhage) is a bleeding within the skull. A distinction is made between intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding into the brain tissue) and subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding between the middle and inner layers of the brain). In both cases, the bleeding causes compression of surrounding brain areas, a reduced supply of blood to the … What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?

How does a cerebral hemorrhage in the early phase manifest itself? | What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?

How does a cerebral hemorrhage in the early phase manifest itself? A characteristic feature of a cerebral hemorrhage is the sudden appearance of the symptoms. Typically, the above-mentioned symptoms do not all occur simultaneously but increasingly one after the other. The symptomatology depends on the location of the bleeding (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem). Usually, the … How does a cerebral hemorrhage in the early phase manifest itself? | What are the signs of a cerebral hemorrhage?