Will the medication for epilepsy harm my child? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Will the medication for epilepsy harm my child? Epilepsy drugs increase the risk of malformations in the unborn child about three times. Particularly when taking classic antiepileptic drugs (valproic acid, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin), malformations of the face and finger ends, growth retardation during pregnancy and developmental disorders of the central nervous system occur more frequently. … Will the medication for epilepsy harm my child? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Is epilepsy inherited? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Is epilepsy inherited? Epilepsy in the narrower sense is rarely inherited. Heredity depends on the type of epilepsy and in most cases is not a hereditary disease in the narrower sense. Nevertheless, genetic factors do play a certain role, because children with parents suffering from epilepsy are more prone to seizures. However, many other factors … Is epilepsy inherited? | Epilepsy and pregnancy

Piping glandular fever

Medical: Pfeiffer glandular fever, infectious mononucleosis, mononucleosis infectiosa, monocyte angina, Pfeiffer disease. Engl. : kissing disease Definition Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is an acute feverish infectious disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Teenagers and young adults are particularly affected. The incubation period is approximately seven to nine days in children, four to six weeks in … Piping glandular fever

Complications with whistling glandular fever | Piping glandular fever

Complications with whistling glandular fever The frequency of complications is less than 1%. The following complications can occur: Rupture of the spleen (rupture of the spleen): in 0.2% of cases, spontaneously or through the use of external force against the body Blood: anaemia (haemolytic anaemia) and reduced platelet count (thrombocytopenia) Heart: ECG changes, inflammation of … Complications with whistling glandular fever | Piping glandular fever

How dangerous is whistling glandular fever in pregnancy? | Piping glandular fever

How dangerous is whistling glandular fever in pregnancy? The normal course of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever begins with a long incubation period, which even lasts for over a month. Fever, headache and fatigue then occur. Later, the lymph nodes swell up and the tonsils and throat become inflamed. In addition to the lymph nodes, organs such … How dangerous is whistling glandular fever in pregnancy? | Piping glandular fever

Differential diagnoses of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever | Piping glandular fever

Differential diagnoses of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever Blood count changes with the atypical lymphocytes mentioned above also occur in infections with hepatitis viruses, human cytomegalovirus (CMV) and other herpes viruses. However, these do not produce heterophilic antibodies (see Paul-Bunnel test). Therapy There is no specific treatment for the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, only a treatment of the … Differential diagnoses of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever | Piping glandular fever

Epidemiology of whistling glandular fever | Piping glandular fever

Epidemiology of whistling glandular fever Worldwide, about 95% of adults are infected with EBV. The infection usually occurs in childhood and usually proceeds without symptoms or as a mild inflammation of the pharyngitis. After the first infection, lifelong immunity remains, which protects the body against the virus. Pfeiffer’s glandular fever occurs in 75% of cases … Epidemiology of whistling glandular fever | Piping glandular fever

Is it allowed to do sports during whistling glandular fever? | Piping glandular fever

Is it allowed to do sports during whistling glandular fever? An infection with the Eppstein-Barr virus can have different courses and can also last for different lengths of time depending on the age and immune status of the person affected. As long as symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion or fever are present, sporting activities should … Is it allowed to do sports during whistling glandular fever? | Piping glandular fever

When is a child allowed back to school? | Piping glandular fever

When is a child allowed back to school? Since the incubation period of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is very long, children have usually passed on the pathogen before the first symptoms appear. Nevertheless, children who are ill with Pfeiffer’s glandular fever should not go to school for a while. This is primarily because they should take … When is a child allowed back to school? | Piping glandular fever