Stork bite on eye

Definition The so-called stork bite (synonyms: Naevus flammeus, Naevus Unna, Naevus occipitalis, Bossard spot) is a red spot on the skin which can occur in a newborn baby, is usually harmless and usually disappears completely after a few years. Besides the frequent localizations on the back of the head or forehead, the stork bite also … Stork bite on eye

Associated symptoms | Stork bite on eye

Associated symptoms A stork bite occurs in most cases without further accompanying symptoms. However, if the stork bite is conspicuous and present on the face and persists for more than one year, it is possible that a clinical picture correlating with the stork bite is present. These so-called neurocutaneous syndromes can cause different symptoms. In … Associated symptoms | Stork bite on eye