Tachycardia after coffee | Dizziness after coffee – Where does it come from?

Tachycardia after coffee

Tachycardia can occur suddenly after coffee consumption. It is usually perceived as extremely unpleasant by those affected and is accompanied by nervousness, sweating, feelings of fear and panic, excitement and impaired concentration. The caffeine in coffee accelerates the heartbeat in the cells of the excitatory conduction system and leads to a short-term increase in blood pressure in the blood vessels.

This can manifest itself as throbbing in the head and chest. Occasionally, extra beats occur, which are also heard as a heart stumbling. The heart palpitations are strongly dependent on the dose of coffee. If you are stressed or extremely tired, you should not drink more coffee, as tachycardia can occur in any case depending on the dose. Here you can find out everything about the topic: Tachycardia and dizziness

What to do against dizziness?

Vertigo is in most cases multifactorial. Several physical aspects such as stress, dehydration, fatigue, low food intake and coffee consumption often play a role. Coffee consumption is often the trigger that ultimately causes the symptoms. In the foreground in the treatment of dizziness symptoms is the support of the cardiovascular system through sufficient fluid, nutrition, rest and stress reduction. In rare cases, mainly in women, these preventive measures are not sufficient, so that blood count checks and, if necessary, drug treatment are necessary.

Duration and prognosis

The duration of the dizziness is strongly dependent on the exact cause. If there is a low blood pressure with fluid deficiency, the problem can be treated quickly by simple measures. By immediately calming down, reducing stress, drinking a glass of water or putting the legs upright, the dizziness should have subsided within a few minutes. If dizziness persists or recurs, a blood sample may have to be taken to investigate other possible causes.