Associated symptoms | Stomach cramps with diarrhea

Associated symptoms As already mentioned, stomach cramps and diarrhea occur in the context of many diseases. Consultation with a physician is not always strongly recommended, but there are some accompanying symptoms that should be considered. If the symptoms persist over a long period of time and are accompanied by a marked loss of appetite and … Associated symptoms | Stomach cramps with diarrhea

Stomach cramps with diarrhea and after eating | Stomach cramps with diarrhea

Stomach cramps with diarrhea and after eating After eating, gastrointestinal complaints such as stomach cramps and diarrhoea often indicate that a component contained in the food is the cause. It may be that food contaminated with pathogens was consumed, which causes food poisoning. This must be contrasted with food intolerances or allergies, among which lactose … Stomach cramps with diarrhea and after eating | Stomach cramps with diarrhea

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Men Type 2

All information given here is of general nature only, a tumor therapy always belongs in the hands of an experienced oncologist! Synonyms Medical: hormone producing tumor Definition Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 is characterized by the appearance of tumors in the parathyroid gland, the adrenal medulla and the C-cells of the thyroid gland. Frequency About … Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Men Type 2

Prognosis | Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Men Type 2

Prognosis In sporadically occurring cases, as well as the index case in a family, a cure is usually not possible. However, the survival of patients can be significantly prolonged and improved by surgery. Through family screening, however, it is possible to operate on patients in very early stages and thus cure them. Nevertheless, the various … Prognosis | Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Men Type 2


Synonyms in the broadest sense Radiation therapy, tumour therapy, breast cancer Chemotherapy is the drug treatment of a cancerous disease (tumour disease) that affects the entire body (systemic effect). The drugs used are so-called cytostatics (Greek from cyto= cell and static= stop), which aim to destroy or, if this is no longer possible, to reduce … Chemotherapy