Crooked Teeth: Causes, Treatment & Help

Unexpectedly many teeth and dentures of children (but also still in many adults), the latest studies of dentistry revealed, are crooked or poorly formed, so that they urgently need orthodontic treatment. If the treatment starts in time, it is almost always possible with simple means to steer the disturbed growth into normal paths. Such treatment … Crooked Teeth: Causes, Treatment & Help

Reflexes of a baby

Definition When a child is born, it is already equipped with a number of innate reflexes that are intended to ensure survival, especially in infancy. They serve as a natural protective function to maintain vital bodily functions. Some of these reflexes disappear again in the course of the first months of life and others remain … Reflexes of a baby

How does a hickey develop?

Introduction A hickey is simply a normal bruise or bruise. In technical terminology it is also called a hematoma. However, a hickey differs in its cause and development from conventional bruises that are acquired through a minor trauma. Intense sucking or biting with the mouth or teeth during kissing can cause injury to the small … How does a hickey develop?