Physiotherapy after a SLAP lesion

A SLAP lesion is an injury to the cartilaginous lip of the shoulder joint, the so-called “labrum glenoid anterior superior”. The name refers to the mechanism of the lesion, i.e. the superior labrum from anterior to posterior. This means that there is an injury (lesion) of the cartilage lip (labrum) from the front to the … Physiotherapy after a SLAP lesion

SLAP lesion – duration | Physiotherapy after a SLAP lesion

SLAP lesion – duration The healing time of a SLAP lesion varies depending on the extent of the injury and the care provided. Slight tears that have been treated early usually heal well. Overuse, trivialization, or unrecognized concomitant injuries can lead to chronicity. After a simple arthroscopic smoothing, the arm can usually be directly mobilized … SLAP lesion – duration | Physiotherapy after a SLAP lesion