Prognosis | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Prognosis In healthy individuals, ventricular extrasystoles have a good prognosis. In cardiac patients, they are risk factors for sudden cardiac death and, depending on the LOWN classification, can also be considered warning arrhythmias for ventricular fibrillation. All articles in this series: Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart) Causes Definition of ventricular extrasystoles LOWN Classification Diagnosis of … Prognosis | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Synonyms in the broadest sense Extra heartbeat, heart stutter, ventricular extrasystoles, supraventricular extrasystoles, palpitations, palpitation Definition An extrasystole is a heartbeat that occurs outside of the normal heart rate in the normal rhythm. Extrasystoles occur very frequently, even in healthy people. In most cases, extrasystoles go unnoticed or they manifest themselves as “heart stumbling or … Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Causes | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Causes As already described, extrasystoles can occur without any disease value. Mostly they are triggered in healthy people by arousal or by stimulants such as coffee, alcohol or nicotine. However, an extrasystole can also be an indication of heart disease. Sick heart cells tend to produce false potentials. If there is underlying heart disease such … Causes | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)