TherapyPrognosis of TBE | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

TherapyPrognosis of TBE The rehabilitation measures within the scope of a follow-up treatment, which can be carried out as in-patient in a rehabilitation clinic (rehab) or out-patient in a corresponding rehabilitation center, depend on the existing deficits. For memory disorder and lack of concentration there are different exercise groups and computer-supported training. Balance disorders can … TherapyPrognosis of TBE | Early summer meningoencephalitis (FSME)

Antiparasitics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Antiparasitics are used in the control of various parasites. They act against parasites that live on the host (ectoparasites) as well as parasites that infest the inside of the host (endoparasites). There are also preparations that act against both forms of parasites at the same time. What are antiparasitic drugs? Antiparasitics fight the many different … Antiparasitics: Effects, Uses & Risks