
Pedicure (from Latin pes, pedis = foot) is the cosmetic foot care Manicure (from Latin manus = hand) is the cosmetic hand care Podology (from Greek pous, podos = foot, logos = doctrine) describes the medical foot care. General Foot care is any form of care for the feet, it can be in the form … Pedicure

Medical foot care | Pedicure

Medical foot care Medical foot care should be performed by a trained podiatrist. The training to become a podiatrist takes two years. The training is completed with a state examination. The podiatrist is allowed to perform medical pedicure. The medical pedicure includes a: In-depth discussion of the complaints of the person concerned Cleaning the feet … Medical foot care | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Pedicure yourself Many patients want to do their chiropody themselves instead of going to a pedicurist or podiatrist. Even when it comes to corneal removal, many patients prefer home chiropody to professional chiropody. There are some things that should be considered. First of all, it is important that patients who want to do their own … Pedicure yourself | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Cosmetic foot care Cosmetic foot care, i.e. pedicure, is not legally protected and can be learned through weekend training. Therefore a cosmetic chiropody may only: There are numerous Beauty and Wellnesstudios, which offer foot care in different extent and price ranges. Health insurance companies do not carry the costs of the cosmetic chiropody in principle. … Cosmetic foot care | Pedicure

Conclusion | Pedicure

Conclusion Carried out at weekly intervals, the feet look permanently well-groomed. The positive side effect is that you pay more attention to your feet, which have to carry our entire body weight every day. If you take care of your feet regularly, pathological changes such as eczema, athlete’s foot, warts, ingrown toenails or injuries are … Conclusion | Pedicure

Signs of athlete’s foot

Tinea pedis, tinea pedum, foot mycosis, athlete’s foot, dermatophyte infection of the foot Definition A foot fungus, tinea pedis, is a usually protracted infection of the interdigital spaces between the toes, the soles of the feet and, in severe cases, the back of the foot with a filamentous fungus (dermatophyte). Dermatophytes attack especially the skin … Signs of athlete’s foot

Diagnostics | Signs of athlete’s foot

Diagnostics What does the doctor do to verify the athlete’s foot signs? In addition to the optical findings and the complaints expressed by the person affected such as itching, redness, scaling, a laboratory examination is essential. Sufficient sample material is taken from the edge of the scaly skin area to examine it directly under a … Diagnostics | Signs of athlete’s foot

Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Nail bed inflammation (panaritium) is an inflammation of the nail fold, which can spread to the entire nail bed and surrounding structures. The inflammation is caused by the immigration of pathogens, which can migrate mainly through small tears in the skin (rhagades). The pathogen spectrum is usually bacterial staphylococci or streptococci, but nail bed inflammation … Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe In principle, all toes or fingers can be affected by nail bed inflammation. A peculiarity of the big toe is that the nail bed grows there the slowest due to its size. Therefore, on the one hand, germs such as fungi or bacteria can settle … Special features of nail bed inflammation on the big toe | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Which home remedies can help? | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Which home remedies can help? In case of a slight nail bed inflammation, various home remedies can be used to relieve discomfort and speed up healing. These are mainly herbal products that have an anti-inflammatory or germicidal effect. Suitable are, for example, preparations made from arnica, onion extract or horseradish. A frequently used household remedy … Which home remedies can help? | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Duration of nail bed inflammation | Nail bed inflammation on the toe

Duration of nail bed inflammation The duration of a nail bed inflammation on the toe depends on the extent of the inflammation, the trigger and the time when treatment is started. An uncomplicated inflammation of the nail bed, which is recognized and treated in time, usually heals within three days. However, if the disease is … Duration of nail bed inflammation | Nail bed inflammation on the toe