Cortisone tablets

Introduction Drugs containing the active ingredient cortisone are used in a wide range of areas and for a variety of diseases. Cortisone is used particularly in the course of organ transplantation, joint and skin diseases. Fields of application Cortisone tablets can be used wherever inflammatory reactions are to be slowed down. For many diseases a … Cortisone tablets

When should cortisone tablets not be used? | Cortisone tablets

When should cortisone tablets not be used? Patients who have already had an allergic reaction to this active substance should not take any further dose. There are no contraindications for short-term applications that may be life-threatening. For longer-term use, certain relative contraindications should be mentioned: During pregnancy and breastfeeding, cortisone tablets should only be taken … When should cortisone tablets not be used? | Cortisone tablets

Interactions with other drugs | Cortisone tablets

Interactions with other drugs The effect of cortisone tablets can be altered by taking different drugs at the same time. Important medications in this context are: Antirheumatic drugs Cardiac glycosides (e.g. digitalis) ACE inhibitors “the pill” Certain antibiotics like rifampicin Oral antidiabetics and insulin When is the best time to take cortisone tablets – before … Interactions with other drugs | Cortisone tablets

Effect | Cortisone tablets

Effect The main effect of cortisone is the suppression of inflammatory processes and exaggerated immune reactions. The symptoms of the inflammatory reaction disappear with the administration of cortisone, but the cause itself is not combated! Basically, cortisone is merely the inactive form of the body’s own hormone cortisol. Cortisone itself has no biological effect whatsoever, … Effect | Cortisone tablets

Organ Donation: Giving the Gift of Life

More than 10,000 seriously ill people, including many children, are currently waiting for a donor organ. For these, it is often the only possible life-saving measure. About one third of patients whose heart, liver or lungs fail will not win the race against time and succumb to their disease before a suitable donor organ is … Organ Donation: Giving the Gift of Life

Kidney Function

Our kidneys filter our entire blood volume about 300 times a day – a total of about 1,500 liters of blood. In the process, the kidneys rid the blood of a wide variety of waste products. Substances dissolved in the blood, such as urea, electrolytes, sugars, acids and bases, are first filtered thanks to the … Kidney Function

Skin transplantation

Skin transplantation is the complete surgical removal or detachment of healthy skin areas from any part of the body (usually the inner side of the thigh/upper arm, buttocks, back) with subsequent reinsertion of this removed skin at another location. It is now one of the most frequently used basic techniques in the field of plastic … Skin transplantation

Complications of skin transplantation | Skin transplantation

Complications of skin transplantation In contrast to foreign skin transplants, transplants using the body’s own skin generally have no risk of rejection. Complications that affect both autologous and foreign skin transplants are possible infections (usually caused by “Streptococcus pyogenes”) or bleeding during or after the procedure.In addition, healing disorders, delayed growth or even death of … Complications of skin transplantation | Skin transplantation

Transplantation: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Transplantation involves transplanting the organic material of another person into a patient. This transplant must take place with consideration of immunologic effects and carries a high risk of rejection, but in current medicine this risk can be reduced by immunosuppressive measures and the co-transplantation of stem cells or white blood cells. Those waiting for a … Transplantation: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Cartilage Transplantation

Synonyms Autologous Chondrocyte Transplantation (ACT) Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) Autologous cartilage cell transplantation (AKZT) Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that occurs in the body in different places – for example, in the nasal malleolus or auricles – but also in joints. Depending on the type of cartilage, its consistency lies somewhere between solid … Cartilage Transplantation