Brushing Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth is indisputably the most effective measure to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis. But a poor toothbrush and the wrong brushing technique won’t get you far: in daily oral hygiene, up to 33 percent of all tooth surfaces are then left unbrushed and the spaces between the teeth are not reached. Therefore, only the interaction of a good toothbrush with a proven toothbrushing technique, supplemented by the use of other interdental space care products, for example dental floss and mouth rinses, will help.

Brushing your teeth is important for your health

Whether for children or adults, a systematic cleaning method is important. Pressure, duration and technique are crucial when brushing teeth. Under no circumstances should brushing be done with high pressure or “scrubbing” back and forth. The critical areas when brushing teeth are the interdental spaces, which are the hardest to reach. If they are not sufficiently cleaned of sugar and food residues, caries-causing bacteria quickly take root. The best way to clean your teeth is to use an appropriate brushing technique, such as the Bass technique, a method that involves shaking and rolling with a manual toothbrush.

Bass technique

The Bass technique is quite easy:

  1. The toothbrush is placed at a 45° angle to the gums and teeth.
  2. Press the bristles lightly against the teeth and gums and make small, jiggling back and forth movements of half a tooth width. This loosens the plaque and removes it thoroughly and gently.
  3. Perform at least ten shaking movements per tooth section.

An alternative – more effective – is to use an electric toothbrush, which performs the vibrations without your intervention. Whether by hand or electrically, always clean your teeth in the same order – for example, first the outer surfaces, then the inner surfaces and finally the chewing surfaces.

What is the right pressure?

The brushing pressure should be about 100 grams. Electric toothbrushes usually indicate excessive pressure by lighting up. Tip: Test the correct contact pressure with the help of a kitchen scale – you will probably be surprised how low the necessary pressure is. However, it is not the brushing pressure that is decisive for good cleaning, but above all the brushing time and the correct brushing technique.

How often and how long to brush your teeth?

The most effective way is to brush two to three times a day after meals. Even if that seems long, to remove all plaque residue, you should last at least two to three minutes. By the way: Studies have shown that it is better to wait a good half hour after meals before brushing, especially if you have eaten acidic foods such as orange juice. The reason: the acid dissolves minerals from the tooth that the body can normally reincorporate. Brushing your teeth, on the other hand, washes them away for good.

Pay attention to the right toothbrush

The toothbrush removes plaque and food debris. To achieve a good result, it should have a short head and dense, rounded plastic bristles. Toothbrushes that have a bristle field adapted to the surface of the teeth are particularly suitable for reaching hard-to-reach areas. After each brushing, the brush should be cleaned and dried with the head up. A new one is due after two months at the latest.

Cleaning the interdental spaces

Even the best toothbrush can not perfectly clean between the teeth. To remove food debris and bacteria where two teeth are in close contact next to each other (interdental region), you should use other tools every day if possible. These include dental floss and interdental brushes.

Flossing properly: Instructions

Flossing allows you to get into very tight spaces and even a little bit into the furrow between your teeth and gums. The type of floss you use – waxed or unwaxed, floss or Teflon coated – depends on your personal preference; there is little difference in effectiveness. Here’s what you should keep in mind when flossing:

  1. Remove approximately 50 centimeters of floss from the dispenser. This you wrap around both middle fingers.
  2. Then stretch the floss over the thumb, leaving about 2 centimeters of floss free between the thumbs.
  3. It is best to start with the upper jaw.Here, the tensioned floss is inserted between the teeth with light sawing movements.
  4. Then place the floss in a U-shape around one half of the tooth and thoroughly clean the interdental space in up and down movements. Then treat the opposite half of the tooth using the same method.
  5. Then it’s the turn of the lower jaw. The floss is here wrapped around both middle fingers and stretched over the index fingers. Insert the floss with light sawing movements between the teeth.
  6. Now place the floss in a U-shape around one half of the tooth and make up-and-down movements to thoroughly clean the interdental space. Then treat the opposite half of the tooth using the same method.

Interdental brushes

These are easier to handle than dental floss, but – despite different sizes – are only suitable for wider interdental spaces. In most cases, a combination of both measures is recommended.


These are – if not prescribed by the doctor, for example, after dental surgery – not absolutely necessary. They do not replace the dental cleaning described above and have little additional effect. However, many people find the fresh breath pleasant. Medicated mouthwashes (for example with chlorhexidine) should only be used for a short period of time, as they disturb the natural bacterial flora in the mouth. Many preparations contain alcohol, so they are not suitable for children.

What else should be considered?

Because motor skills are still developing in young children, they cannot brush their teeth clean themselves. Therefore, pediatric dentists recommend that parents clean their child’s teeth with a soft toothbrush once a day from the first tooth, and twice a day from the second year of life. As the child gets older, he or she can help out; however, parents should continue brushing until about age eight. In addition to medical dental prophylaxis, many dental offices offer counseling and instruction in brushing techniques and proper dental care. Talk to your dentist.