Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathic remedies for gout

Is there a suitable complex agent?

active ingredients: Girheulit® HOM tablets contain the active ingredients. Effect: Girheulit® HOM tablets are effective against pain of the locomotor system, especially the joints. They promote mobility and relieve the pain.

Dosage: For the dosage of the tablets it is recommended to take a maximum of 6 tablets per day. In case of chronic pain, i.e. pain that persists over a longer period of time, only 3 tablets should be taken daily.

  • Acidum benzoicum D3
  • Acidum silicicum D3
  • Ammonium phosphoricum D2
  • Colchicum autumnale D4
  • Potassium iodate D4
  • Lithium carbonicum D3

active ingredients: The complex remedy Heweurat uric acid drops contains the homeopathic active ingredients.

Effect: The Heweurat Uric Acid Drops have a modulating effect on the metabolism of uric acid in the body. They increase the elimination of uric acid and alleviate joint complaints. Dosage: The dosage of the drops is recommended for acute complaints with 5-10 drops up to twelve times a day. In case of chronic pain, it should be taken only one to three times a day.

  • Belladonna D4
  • Berberis D3
  • Lithium carbonicum D3
  • Urtica D4

How often and for how long should I take homeopathic medication?

How often and how long homeopathic remedies should be taken depends on the type and severity of the pain associated with gout. Since a medical clarification is generally recommended when symptoms occur, the gout is usually treated with medication. Therefore, it is recommended that the dosage and application of homeopathic preparations be carried out in consultation with the doctor. Caution is advised with the homeopathic preparation Colchicum.

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy?

The pain and the extent of the complaints are decisive for the choice of the right treatment. In the case of an acute attack of gout, however, homeopathic remedies cannot always alleviate the pain. However, the pain that occurs is often so severe that those affected take medication to counteract it.

When a gout attack occurs, the affected person should consult a physician. After a detailed examination, a drug therapy is usually initiated. The homeopathic remedies can still be taken at the same time by arrangement.

If an acute attack of gout occurs, the affected person usually goes to a doctor on his own, as the pain is often very severe. It is important that the uric acid levels in the blood are determined, so that a possible increase can be counteracted early on. Control examinations of the kidney and other organs that can be affected by gout are also very important. For this reason, it is recommended to see a doctor if the pain suddenly becomes very severe, improves only slowly in intensity and is accompanied by swelling and redness.

  • Clarification by a doctor is recommended in the case of a first attack of gout disease.