How can I shorten the duration of lymph node swelling? | Duration of lymph node swelling

How can I shorten the duration of lymph node swelling? The possibilities of shortening the duration of lymph node swelling are very limited. In many cases, lymph node swelling simply takes a certain amount of time without much influence. However, there are a few home remedies that should help. These are not scientifically proven, but … How can I shorten the duration of lymph node swelling? | Duration of lymph node swelling

Sequence of a CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Sequence of a CT-guided pain therapy If a referral for CT-guided pain therapy has been made to an appropriately equipped practice or clinic, an informative discussion with the doctor is first held there before the first treatment. The patient then lies down on the computer tomography table for the therapy. Treatment of the lumbar spine … Sequence of a CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Side effects of CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Side effects of CT-guided pain therapy If there are side effects due to CT-guided pain therapy, these are usually harmless and temporary. The frequently administered cortisone can cause headaches, an increase in blood pressure and blood sugar and/or reddening of the face. Further side effects of cortisone such as weight gain and fat deposition are … Side effects of CT-guided pain therapy | CT-guided pain therapy

Statistics | Chronic disease

Statistics Statistical surveys on chronic diseases have been collected for about 40 years. It is assumed that almost 20% of all Germans suffer from a chronic disease. In the past, infectious diseases were the number one cause of death; today most people die as a result of a chronic illness. It is assumed that 80% … Statistics | Chronic disease

Chronic disease

Definition A chronic disease is a disease that affects health over a longer period of time or will be present for life. Although the disease can and usually must be treated by a doctor, it cannot be cured. Some illnesses are already called chronic from the moment of diagnosis, because according to the current state … Chronic disease


Synonyms in the broadest sense Radiation therapy, tumour therapy, breast cancer Chemotherapy is the drug treatment of a cancerous disease (tumour disease) that affects the entire body (systemic effect). The drugs used are so-called cytostatics (Greek from cyto= cell and static= stop), which aim to destroy or, if this is no longer possible, to reduce … Chemotherapy