
Hermaphroditism, also called hermaphroditism or hermaphroditism, refers to individuals who cannot be clearly assigned to one sex genetically, anatomically or hormonally. Today, however, the term intersexuality is more commonly used for this medical phenomenon. Intersexuality belongs to the sexual differentiation disorders. The German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) (ICD-10-GM-2018) classifies this form in … Hermaphroditism

Intersexuality: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

There are people who cannot be clearly assigned to any gender. They carry characteristics of both sexes and fall under the term intersexuality. In Greek mythology, they were called hermaphrodites. What is intersexuality? The term intersexuality stands for a constellation in which physical predispositions for both sexes are found in people and therefore they cannot … Intersexuality: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gamete: Structure, Function & Diseases

Gametes are the fertilizable male and female gametes or germ cells. Their diploid (twofold) set of chromosomes has been reduced to a haploid (single) set by prior meiosis (maturation division), resulting in a diploid cell with a twofold set of chromosomes after fertilization, the union of a female and a male gamete. The female gamete … Gamete: Structure, Function & Diseases

Turner Syndrome

Definition – what is the Turner syndrome? Turner syndrome, also known as Monosomy X and Ullrich-Turner syndrome, is a genetic disorder that affects only girls. It was named after its discoverers, the German pediatrician Otto Ullrich and the American endocrinologist Henry H. Turner. Characteristic signs of the Turner syndrome are dwarfism and infertility. Turner syndrome … Turner Syndrome

I recognize a Turner syndrome by these symptoms | Turner Syndrome

I recognize a Turner syndrome by these symptoms There are a number of possible symptoms that can occur in Turner syndrome. However, these do not all occur simultaneously. Some symptoms can also be age-related. Already at birth, newborns are conspicuous by lymphedema of the backs of the hands and feet. The dwarfism is also noticed … I recognize a Turner syndrome by these symptoms | Turner Syndrome

Duration Prognosis | Turner Syndrome

Duration Prognosis Since the Turner syndrome is not curable, girls and women affected by the disease are accompanied by the disease throughout their lives. A regular medical examination is important, as there is an increased risk of various diseases. These include: High blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, overweight, osteoporosis, diseases of the thyroid gland and diseases … Duration Prognosis | Turner Syndrome