Pelvic Endlage

Pelvic end presentation is a position of the unborn child in the womb that deviates from the norm beyond the 34th week of pregnancy. In this position, the baby lies head up instead of down as in the normal cranial position. The rump or legs are at the bottom of the uterus. About 5 percent … Pelvic Endlage

Reaction Standard: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The reaction norm corresponds to the genetically designed range of possible variations of two phenotypes of the same genetic material. The ultimate trait expression within this predetermined bandwidth depends on the external environmental influences in each case. The range of modification also plays a role in the context of genetic predispositions to disease, which need … Reaction Standard: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Pregnant Despite Period

Again and again in the news there are stories of women who say that they were pregnant despite periods. This sounds strange to many women, because the pregnancy should have been noticed by the absence of periods. However, many of these women report that they would have continued to have regular periods. Can you be … Pregnant Despite Period

Induce Birth

There are different reasons why a birth has to be induced. The fact is: nowadays, the initiation of birth is no longer an exceptional occurrence. And in many cases, the induction of labor is also a redemptive step for the mother, finally being able to end the pregnancy or hold the unborn child in her … Induce Birth

Water Birth

In Germany, about 5000 babies are born by water birth every year. This method of birth is a particular form of delivery that takes place in a birthing tub filled with water. There are advantages for the pregnant woman and the unborn baby as a result of water birth. What speaks for a water birth … Water Birth

Flying in Pregnancy

Flying is part of everyday life for many professionals. If offspring announces itself, so some matter of course is questioned. But what about flying during pregnancy? How long are pregnant women allowed to fly? Even in the context of pregnancy, it may be necessary to move from one place to another by plane. Possible reasons … Flying in Pregnancy