Colon cancer UICC stage 2 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 2 Stage 2 tumours in the UICC classification are tumours that have not yet spread to other organs or lymph nodes, but are larger locally in the intestine than in stage 1, i.e. they are stage T3 or T4 cancers. In these stages, the tumour has already spread to the outermost … Colon cancer UICC stage 2 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 4 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis

Colon cancer UICC stage 4 Stage 4 is the final stage of colon cancer. Bowel cancer is classified as stage 4 when the tumour has metastasised (spread to other organs). Stage 4 is further divided into stages 4a and 4b. In stage 4a, only one other organ is affected by metastases, whereas in stage 4b … Colon cancer UICC stage 4 | Stages of colon cancer and their prognosis