LOWN Classification | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

LOWN Classification Simple VES Complex VES Grade I: Monomorphic VES under 30 times per hour Grade II: Monomorphic VES over 30 times per hour Grade III: Polymorphic VES Grade IVa: Trigeminus/Couplets Grade IVb: Salvos Grade V: “R-on-T phenomenon Symptoms of ventricular extrasystoles As in SVES, ventricular extrasystoles often lack symptoms. In some cases, a feeling … LOWN Classification | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Diagnosis of ventricular extrasystoles | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Diagnosis of ventricular extrasystoles The diagnosis of ventricular extrasystoles is made by means of long-term and exercise ECG. Since VES can be the first expression of heart disease, a careful clinical examination follows. On the ECG, ventricular extrasystoles are recognized as QRS complexes that occur too early in the beat and may be slightly widened. … Diagnosis of ventricular extrasystoles | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Prognosis | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)

Prognosis In healthy individuals, ventricular extrasystoles have a good prognosis. In cardiac patients, they are risk factors for sudden cardiac death and, depending on the LOWN classification, can also be considered warning arrhythmias for ventricular fibrillation. All articles in this series: Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart) Causes Definition of ventricular extrasystoles LOWN Classification Diagnosis of … Prognosis | Extrasystoles (tripping of the heart)