Dosage | Vitamin D

Dosage Since only a part of vitamin D is absorbed through food and the other part is formed on the skin itself through the sun’s rays, it is difficult to determine a guide value for a daily dose. The amount of vitamin D produced by the body itself depends on many factors, such as skin … Dosage | Vitamin D

Vitamin B9 – folic acid

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Most plentifully Folsäure is in vegetable materials such as spinach, asparagus sheet salads and grain, as well as in animal liver. It consists of three components: Pteridinsäure, Benzoesäure and Glutamat. Vitamin B9 is further contained in: Beet, brocolli, carrots, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, egg yolk, tomatoes and nuts Function Before … Vitamin B9 – folic acid

Vitamin A – Retinol

english: vitamina a acidoverview vitamins Occurrence and structure of vitamin A Beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, can be split into two molecules retinal, which consist of four isoprene units and a simple ring system. Vitamin A is supplied via food and is particularly contained in animal food sources. Liver contains a particularly large amount … Vitamin A – Retinol

Vitamin A-containing agents against acne | Vitamin A – Retinol

Vitamin A-containing agents against acne Vitamin containing drugs are very effective drugs for the treatment of acne. Through a therapy that usually lasts for several months, the sebaceous glands of the skin are severely restricted in their function. The skin is less oily and fewer and fewer pimples form over time. Due to the possible … Vitamin A-containing agents against acne | Vitamin A – Retinol

Biotin – Vitamin B7 – Vitamin H

Definition Vitamin H is a water-soluble vitamin of the vitamin B complex, more precisely vitamin B7 or also called biotin. The intake of vitamin H to strengthen skin, hair and nails is particularly widespread; it is also found in this function in many preparations on drugstore shelves. But vitamin H fulfils many other functions. As … Biotin – Vitamin B7 – Vitamin H

Biotin preparations | Biotin – Vitamin B7 – Vitamin H

Biotin preparations Vitamin H preparations are available in many different compositions and price ranges. Vitamin H preparations are available in capsule form in drugstores at reasonable prices. Here usually still different Vitamine and mineral materials are contained like for example zinc, iron or also Pantothensäure additionally. Also in the pharmacy these Vitamin preparations are to … Biotin preparations | Biotin – Vitamin B7 – Vitamin H

Vitamin B3 – Niacin

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Niacin is mainly found in fish and coffee beans. It is interesting that a modified form of niacin can be produced from the essential amino acid tryptophan (essential means that the body cannot produce it itself and must therefore absorb it with food), but in too small amounts, so … Vitamin B3 – Niacin

Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Pyridoxine is also very common, especially abundant in liver, pork and chicken, nuts, fish, vegetables and brewer’s yeast. Pyridoxine occurs in various forms, all of which have in common the pyridine ring (contains a nitrogen atom), which is substituted in some places (i.e. to which different groups are attached). … Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

Symptoms of deficiency | Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine

Symptoms of deficiency They are very unspecific due to the frequent occurrence of PALP and rarely occur due to the abundant presence of pyridoxine. Symptoms can be neurological disorders (since many of the decarboxylation products of the amino acids are neurotransmitters in the nervous system), depression (possibly due to the lack of serotonin and norepinephrine … Symptoms of deficiency | Vitamin B6 – pyridoxine


History The word “vitamin” goes back to a Polish biochemist named Casimir Funk, which was created in 1912 during intensive research into the vitamin deficiency disease beri-beri. Casimir Funk constructed the term “vitamin” from “vita”, which means life and “amine”, since the isolated compound was an amine, i.e. a nitrogenous compound. However, it later became … Vitamins