Baby rash without itching | Skin rash without itching

Baby rash without itching

A skin rash is not uncommon in babies, the reasons are as varied as in adulthood. The rash can appear on any part of the body, often on the face, in the diaper area or sweaty parts of the body such as the crook of the arm or the knee. Whether the rash is accompanied by itching is sometimes difficult to judge in babies, because the little patients cannot express themselves and cannot scratch all parts of their body.

However, if the child is very restless and cranky, this can of course be due to a disturbing itching. In many cases a rash in babies is harmless and can be treated with simple means. Very common is the so-called diaper rash, a non-specific umbrella term for a mostly acute irritation of the skin in the buttocks area.

Due to the urea contained in the urine, the skin becomes very irritated, especially when wearing diapers, and rashes and wounds can occur. If these are additionally infected with a bacterium or fungus, this is known as diaper dermatitis or diaper sores. Babies can also suffer from various childhood illnesses, some of which typically occur without itching.

These include mumps, a highly contagious infectious disease caused by mumps viruses, which primarily affects children, but can also affect unvaccinated adults and can be very difficult to pass on. Of course, all causes that lead to a skin rash without itching in adults can also cause the same symptoms in babies. These include intolerance of cosmetics or drug allergies (e.g. to penicillin).

An intolerance of food or additives in convenience food can also cause a rash in babies. In some cases, other symptoms such as digestive disorders then occur. Other specific skin diseases such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis in babies are often accompanied by severe itching. Babies also react very sensitively to UV radiation, so excessive exposure to sunlight can cause severe rashes. For this reason, babies should best be protected by clothing and a high sun protection factor, strong sunlight and midday sun should be avoided consistently.