Warm up

Synonyms warm-up training, warm-up program, warm-up, muscle warming, stretching, stretching, breaking-in, warm-up, etc. English: warming, warm-up Introduction It is impossible to imagine modern training without warming up. Warm-up is often equated with stretching exercises, but these are only part of the warm-up. A targeted warm-up is about raising the body temperature to about 38- 38.5 … Warm up

How long is the warm-up time? | Warm up

How long is the warm-up time? The question of the duration of a warm-up programme is also individual and sports-specific. Sports with fast movements require more effort than slower movements. The same applies to the coordination range. Younger athletes have the advantage that the entire musculoskeletal system reaches the operating temperature faster than older athletes. … How long is the warm-up time? | Warm up

Calf Strain

Calf strain is one of the most common injuries in orthopedics and sports medicine. The specialist speaks of a distension. As with strains of other muscles, the cause of a calf strain is excessive stretching of the muscle. In itself, the calf strain is a trivial injury, which occurs in the vast majority of cases … Calf Strain